Sunday, October 16, 2016

Could our world be fiction?

After reading the article Are We Livng In a Computer Similuation? I agree that it is very possible that this is true. Moderator Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the museum's Hayden Planetarium believes that our entire existence is just a program on someone else's hard drive. Over time we discover more and more scientific facts about the laws of the earth and human behaviors. This is similar to what it would be like if we were simply characters in a game. This theory was posed by Max Tegmark, a cosmologist at MIT. A question that has arisen is if we are truly just part of a simulation, could we possibly by shut down by the simulator? This made me wonder about something that has been a common thread throughout the human race. It has been found that humans have something that nobody has ever had before called the human insanity. It is the desire to venture out into unknown places and discover new things. After reading this section of the article that questions being shut down by a simulator, I then questioned if this is why humans have the drive to discover, or the human insanity. In conclusion, after reading the article it makes me think about what our world is really like beyond our knowledge. Many people think humans on earth are superior but, is it possible that there is an even more powerful species that we don't even know about, and we are just a part of something they control?

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